Category Archives: Sustainability

The Drought is Killing Our Trees!

The Drought is Killing Our Trees!

What You Must Do Now if it’s not too late. By: Lauretta James, Energy and Environment Committee, City of Medford …Read the Rest

Coping with Climate Change: Life Planning in an Age of Crisis
Community Building

Coping with Climate Change: Life Planning in an Age of Crisis

By Curtis Tuden Preface I have a problem with climate change. It’s not the problem of scientific proof that we’re …Read the Rest

Green Burials: An Eco-Friendly Option for Eternity

Green Burials: An Eco-Friendly Option for Eternity

By Curtis Tuden “There is certainty in death and the change of customs.” – Dee Morris, Medford resident & historian, …Read the Rest

Is there lead in your yard or garden soil? Find out, get a Soil Test!

Is there lead in your yard or garden soil? Find out, get a Soil Test!

  By Lauretta James, Medford Energy Committee   If you have high concentrations of lead in your yard or garden …Read the Rest

The Greenest Gift of All
Climate change

The Greenest Gift of All

  by Lauretta James, Medford Energy Committee When you need that last minute gift, forgot a special occasion (Valentine’s Day, …Read the Rest

What’s the Buzz? Honey Bees in Medford

What’s the Buzz? Honey Bees in Medford

by Lauretta James, Medford Energy Committee The past few years I have met several residents in Medford that have their …Read the Rest

Net financial benefit seen from MA Green Communities Act
Energy Efficiency

Net financial benefit seen from MA Green Communities Act

The state’s landmark law to promote energy efficiency and renewable power sources such as wind and solar is projected to …Read the Rest

Comparing the Sustainability and Quality Movements

Comparing the Sustainability and Quality Movements

By Curtis Tuden   Global markets throughout history have demonstrated unique characteristics that help distinguish one era from another. For …Read the Rest