old computer equipment

Have you ever seen a computer terminal taking up permanent residency on a sidewalk in Medford? Do you have a pile of computer cords, chargers, and broken cellphones that you don’t know what to do with?

Both of these problems occur frequently here and throughout the state because Massachusetts does not have a statewide system for recycling electronics. A recent Boston Globe editorial points us to three different bills currently pending in the State Legislature that would go some distance toward solving this glut of waste products that do not break down naturally and contain one or (usually) more quite hazardous materials.

It’s important to let your legislators know how you want them to vote should the opportunity arise. (You can easily look up contact information for your Representative or Senator here.) It’s important to send a copy of that letter or email to the legislative sponsors of the bills (given below).

Boston Globe editorial on Electronics DumpingHere are links so you can learn more about these bills and weigh in with your opinion:

Senate bill 357, sponsor Sen. Jamie Eldridge; House bill H 803, sponsor Frank Smizik: An Act to require producer responsibility for collection, reuse and recycling of discarded electronic products

Senate bill 386, Sponsor Mark Pacheco: An Act relative to information technology producer responsibility



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