Community Building

Medford Green Award 2019 Winners

Nico Casamassima and Zain Saleem: Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Medford  Nico and Zain are students at Medford High School and are members of the Center for Citizenship and Social Responsibility (CCSR) Club.   They carried out a plan to install Medford’s first publicly owned electric vehicle charging station. …Read the Rest

Medford Green Award 2018 Winners

Medford Green Award 2018 Winners

Joan Parker Joan Parker is a trained horticulturist and a certified master gardener through the Massachusetts Master Gardeners Association. She …Read the Rest

Medford Green Award 2017 Winners

Medford Green Award 2017 Winners

Mayor Burke and the Medford Energy & Environment Committee presented the 6th annual Medford Green Awards to businesses and residents …Read the Rest

Videos to Inspire
Climate change

Videos to Inspire

Inspirational thoughts for the weekend First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy  (3 minutes) Learn about the Happo Dammo Ratio …Read the Rest

Medford Green Award 2016 Winners
Medford Green Awards

Medford Green Award 2016 Winners

The City of Medford, Medford Energy Committee and Medford Chamber of Commerce join forces every year to give awards to …Read the Rest

The Drought is Killing Our Trees!

The Drought is Killing Our Trees!

What You Must Do Now if it’s not too late. By: Lauretta James, Energy and Environment Committee, City of Medford …Read the Rest

385 Stories – Medford Go Green

385 Stories – Medford Go Green

As a part of Medford City’s 385th anniversary, the Energy Committee conducted a campaign for Medford residents to share their …Read the Rest

Coping with Climate Change: Life Planning in an Age of Crisis
Community Building

Coping with Climate Change: Life Planning in an Age of Crisis

By Curtis Tuden Preface I have a problem with climate change. It’s not the problem of scientific proof that we’re …Read the Rest

Green Burials: An Eco-Friendly Option for Eternity

Green Burials: An Eco-Friendly Option for Eternity

By Curtis Tuden “There is certainty in death and the change of customs.” – Dee Morris, Medford resident & historian, …Read the Rest


The Medford Green Awards recognize Medford businesses and residents for outstanding effort to conserve energy and protect our environment. The Green …Read the Rest

Is there lead in your yard or garden soil? Find out, get a Soil Test!

Is there lead in your yard or garden soil? Find out, get a Soil Test!

  By Lauretta James, Medford Energy Committee   If you have high concentrations of lead in your yard or garden …Read the Rest

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